This bundle consists of our Show Call and Art of the Sentence Plug and Plays.
Show Call and Art of the Sentence work well in tandem: Art of the Sentence asks students to synthesize a complex idea, summarize a reading, or distill a discussion in a single, well-crafted sentence. It’s a rigorous task that can improve the quality of students’ writing. Show Call is a tool for accountability for that written work. Show Call encourages students to give their best effort on their writing and can be used to leverage work of individual students to improve the writing of the entire class. Using Art of the Sentence and Show Call together amplifies the benefits and impact of both techniques.
Increase Impact and Save Money
Purchase Show Call and Art of the Sentence together to build a strong culture of writing across all classrooms. Enter the code WRITEON at checkout to receive the discounted price of $700.
Price $700