Our Story
Think of the achievement gap you most want to close: the gap between rich and poor; the gap between what students think and what they can write; the gap between schools in the US and the best school systems in the world; the gap between what our schools offer and what they could be. Read more about our story >>
Meet the Team
Meet the educators who analyze the teaching, cut the videos, and create the activities to help you make a difference for teachers and students. We’re passionate about ending the achievement gap. And we have some fun too. Read more about our team >>
Uncommon Impact
The Teach Like a Champion Team
is part of Uncommon Impact, Uncommon Schools’ initiative to share what we have learned about enabling all students, particularly those not born to privilege, to achieve at dramatically higher levels.
Read more about Uncommon Impact >>
Press Room
Teach Like a Champion
caught the world’s attention in large part because of The New York Times Magazine
cover story entitled, “Building a Better Teacher.” That article broke records for circulation and online referral.
Read that article and many more >>
Careers with Uncommon Schools
Interested in working for Uncommon Schools?
Click here to learn more >>