This bundle consists of our Systems and Routines, Developing and Maximizing Radar, Strong Voice: Going Formal, and What to Do Plug and Plays.
Whether students are raising hands, passing papers, annotating texts, or participating in a discussion, it’s important for students to know how to do it, and how to do it well. Such clarity and excellence is often built on a foundation of Systems and Routines, taught and sustained with clear What to Do directions. Radar and Strong Voice: Going Formal equip teachers to assume authority with confidence, warmth, and poise. Used together, the techniques enable teachers to support all students in maintaining engagement with teaching and learning.
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Purchase Systems and Routines, Radar, Strong Voice: Going Formal,
and What to Do
together to equip new teachers with essential techniques for building strong classroom cultures and starting their careers with success. Enter the code NEWTEACHERESSENTIALS at checkout to save $150 and receive the discounted price of $1425.
Price $1,425